Wednesday, August 1, 2007


We want to travel the world!!

We've never left New Zealand, but want to know the best countries, cities, landmarks in the world to go to. Where have you been?? We want YOUR best travelling stories. We are set to leave in September, this year-WHERE DO WE GO???

Look forward to hearing all your amazing stories.

1 comment:

kim said...

Greetings fellow itchy feets!!! I traveled for a number of years (some years ago!) but have become an 'African American' in that I'm an American who has lived with rural Tswana people in South Africa for the past 11 years. The 4 places that I would HIGHLY recommend:
1) Petra in Jordon. Neither the pictures nor words will ever properly describe the place. I lived amongst the Bedoin people who actually had dwelt in the caves and then later were shifted a to a brick house village above Petra. Amazingly warm, open and beyond hospitable people!
2. Jerusalem, Israel. Just an amazing place. Lots of tension, history and diversity. The old city is so amazing so if you go be sure to find a youth hostel in the old city. I stayed in a German hostel which had all the bunks in catacombs under ground which was nice and cool.
3. Anywhere, in Ireland. I hiked through Ireland quite a few years ago and was never in want for a lift. We had old and young, single and groups pick us up. We had offers of lifts when we were leaving a cafe after lunch and even had someone stop behind the car dropping us off (in the middle of nowhere!) to pick us up. One of the funkiest villages in South Ireland is called Doolin. It's touted as the traditional Irish music village. Its a small village but has live traditional music in the pubs every night. That was the only place we nearly walked to because it was a SAt. and all the cars passing us were full of families. The milk man kept picking us up and dropping us off every half hour. The Irish are such beautiful, warm and open people and lots of youth hostels all over.
4. Polperro England in County COrnwall. Actually I loved all of the England I spent time in which was mostly Exmoor in Somerset and Polperro in Cornwall. Great people, great fun. Its an old smuggling and fishing village and very quaint.
I have to add I'm not a city person so I avoided all the London and other big city trappings for the most part. I prefered to get to the more rural areas and hang out and really get to know the locals. It really is what makes the difference between being a tourist and traveller. Saying that I LOVED my 1 week in Paris. What a stunning city in every account!
Oh my favorite travel books, hands down, are Lonely Planet. For me that got 'behind the scenes' and really researched out good cheap, safe options as well as interesting places plus their info on public transport was always comprehensive. Happy traveling!